Faculty of Theology Fulda
Study abroad & ERASMUS-Programme
Services available to students
ERASMUS provides European students with the possibility of studying in a different country and enhancing their social and cultural skills in order to improve their career prospects. Through their stay abroad, students become acquainted with the academic system at a higher-education institution in a foreign country and benefit from experiencing the methods of teaching and techniques of studying prevalent there. Students who wish to study at a foreign host institution for a period of between three and twelve months can receive support once they have completed their first year of study in their home country. Doctoral students are also eligible to receive support.
In order to take part in the program, students must be nationals of one of the countries participating in ERASMUS. Students from non-EU countries can participate in the program if they are normally registered at a German higher-education institution and are carrying out their entire course of studies there.
The program offers students the following services:
- a mobility grant to help with the extra costs incurred through being abroad;
- exemption from tuition fees at the host institution;
- support in planning their stay abroad; this includes the possibility of attending an intensive preparatory ERASMUS language course for so-called less widely used languages;
- academic recognition of the work undertaken in the context of a student’s studies while abroad.
The Faculty of Theology has received an ERASMUS Charter for the years 2014–2020.
Partner universities of Fulda Faculty of Theology
- Catholic University of Paris, France
- Catholic Institute of Toulouse, France
- Katholisch-Theologische Privatuniversität Linz, Austria
- Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland
- University of Zagreb, Croatia
- University of Malta, Malta
- Saint Patrick’s College (Pontifical University), Maynooth/Ireland
- Aristoteles-University Thessaloniki, Greece
- Palacký-University Olomouc (Olmütz), Czech Republic
- Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Silesian University Katowice, Poland